Thursday, March 31, 2011

{ embarrassing }

Oh my goodness.
I have never seen something so embarrassing in all my life.
This flash mob goes from proposal to wedding in about 45 seconds.
I would have never forgiven my husband.
Jared thought it was the coolest thing ever.
He just told me that our wedding was so lame compared to this.
(& he wants to be on the show.)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

{ spring break part II }

We also went and had a mini getaway downtown. We stayed in hotel 71 right on the river, went to the cheesecake factory, and brought cupcakes back to our room. I am dangerously in love with sprinkles cupcakes. They are SO good. Jared always asks why I can't make cupcakes like that. I wish I could!

I also took my fun money and hit the shops! I found lots of great deals! I was just wishing my sisters and mom were with me. I can't wait until our girls weekend!
(Do you think I was in a stripe mood?! Geeze.)

I also went and got my makeup done. I feel like I have been wearing the same makeup since I was probably about 12 years old. Ok, maybe not 12. I have let go of the white eyeliner. But basically I've never felt like I had a clue what looked good on me. I just randomly would pick things. So I went to MAC and had them apply makeup. I was thinking Jared would think I looked so pretty all done up. When he saw me he said,

"Woah! Have you seen yourself in the mirror?"
"I've never seen you look like that before."
"Does she know how dark she made your eyes!?"
"I didn't think you liked girls that wore that much makeup. You look like what you would call a plastic."
"You just carved a river in your face!" When my eyes were watering from the cold.

I was laughing so hard. I guess my husband likes just plain old me. (He probably would have liked the everyday look, it's the nighttime look that probably scared him.)

{ spring break }

We decided to have a "stay-cation" instead of squeezing in a quick weekend trip. (Since I had to work over spring break.) It turned out to be a lot of fun! We alloted some money just to have fun with, and we had so much fun spending it!

Jared chose Medieval Times. He loved every second of it! Really, he was pretty into it.

I enjoyed it too. But I wasn't entirely sure how to act. When you walk in the door and a grown adult greets you in full costume with hello my lady and my lord, are you supposed to bust up laughing or act like it's normal?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

{ Hospital Haircut }

I just got back from the hospital where I cut a 10 year old girl's hair. She just started chemo and wanted to cut it short before it all falls out. I was so nervous before I got there-- unsure of what I would find to work with. But when I got there I was so overwhelmed with love. Her dad was there taking care of her and he was the sweetest man I think I've ever met. He was so sensitive to his little girl. He had been calling around all day trying to find a salon that would come in and cut her hair. He had talked her through everything. He had even painted her nails for her. (That is what got me the most!)

I just kept telling her how brave and beautiful she was. She really was so brave! I thought I would have to cut through the tears, but she was smiling and completely calm with everything that was going on. I was so impressed by her strength.

She gave me a huge hug when I left and I gave them my number so that they can call me when they are back at the hospital and I can come see her.

I feel so blessed to have had this experience. It really was so touching.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Girls Tell All

Why on every Bachelor when it's time for the Girls Tell All show does everyone say they are so excited to see all of the people they dumped? And why are those that got dumped acting equally excited?

I can't think of many things I would dread more than sitting in the hot seat with a room of all my exes.


{ And why did the dentist want to hug someone else's boyfriend? }

I don't get it. But it is very entertaining. Can't wait for the finale!

Who do you think will win?!?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

{ princess party }

We had a princess party over Christmas break with all of my nieces. We let them put on their own make-up -which was hilarious! They all have such different personalities. Some want to put as much on as they possibly can. They would never stop on their own. They think you could always use a little more lip gloss. Others would just try to put it on in all the right places and not over do it. Then they all put on princess dresses. My mom let them pick out new princess shoes to match.

We then had a princess tea party. My sisters and mom had me put on my prom dress and serve them. haha Oh wow. My mom made a super cute cake and we even cut their sandwiches into flowers. I'm not sure who had the most fun, us big girls or the little ones.

Friday, March 4, 2011

{ hairstylist }

Being a hairstylist is such an interesting job. People trust you. They trust you with their insecurities, whether it's their ears that poke out, their receding hair line, their shape, or the hair that keeps growing on their ears.

Beyond the physical they turn to you for the many facets of their lives. They trust you with the intimate stories of their lives. Maybe it's because they know they have an hour uninterrupted with you. Maybe they just need to be heard. Maybe it's because we are complete strangers and the fear of judgment is absent for once. All I know is that I love this job. I have met amazing people. I have seen so much strength and resilience in ordinary people.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

{ patience }

I feel like patience is one of those lessons I am continually being taught. Not my favorite, which probably means it is exactly what I need.

"Patience is not passive resignation, nor is it failing to act because of our fears. Patience means active waiting and enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can—working, hoping, and exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the desires of our hearts are delayed. Patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!"

-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Continue in Patience