Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Girls Tell All

Why on every Bachelor when it's time for the Girls Tell All show does everyone say they are so excited to see all of the people they dumped? And why are those that got dumped acting equally excited?

I can't think of many things I would dread more than sitting in the hot seat with a room of all my exes.


{ And why did the dentist want to hug someone else's boyfriend? }

I don't get it. But it is very entertaining. Can't wait for the finale!

Who do you think will win?!?


Julie Barfuss said...

I really think he SHOULD pick Emily, but for Emily's sake, I hope he picks Chantal. (I really like Emily, but I think she is too good for him) :)

Cathy Hill said...

I think he will pick Chantal. Emily will be the next bachelorette. I need to catch the girls tell all tonight! can't wait.

Mel and Nate said...

Hey Chelsea! Your blog is so cute! We would love to have you over for a little finale party next Monday if you are free, and anyone is invited if you can think of anyone who may want to come. I think Chantal will win too.

John said...

The winners wll be the ones who never watched this show!