Thursday, March 31, 2011

{ embarrassing }

Oh my goodness.
I have never seen something so embarrassing in all my life.
This flash mob goes from proposal to wedding in about 45 seconds.
I would have never forgiven my husband.
Jared thought it was the coolest thing ever.
He just told me that our wedding was so lame compared to this.
(& he wants to be on the show.)


Alyssa said...

i couldn't bear to watch this tonight... although i do sometimes wish my life was a musical i would DIE if i wasn't in control of my wedding!!!! seriously. this guy is a groomzilla.

Elise Ewell said...

HAHA Cho, I thought the same thing. I was MORTIFIED.

Charlie N. Holmberg said...

That is a crazy awesome way to propose, but I would HATE to get married on the spot!