Job #1- Babysitter.
He has been SO good to my nieces and nephews while we've been living in Utah. One day when I got home this is what I saw in the middle of the street.
At first I was thinking who in the world is that... then as I got closer I realized they belonged to me.
The one time we left a couple of kids with him by himself Peyton came out as they were doing fireworks pulled down her panties and said "Look what I did" revealing some poop. He was pretty great to clean it all up.
Job #2- Entrepreneur
This began his last quarter of law school. The entire way to Utah I got to listen to awesome business idea after awesome business idea. Don't worry I talked him out of golf courses in the middle of nowhere for truckers. I assured him the market for truckdrivers has already been covered. But the brainstorming for his BIG IDEA still continues... maybe one day it will pay off?
Job #3- Doctor
Jared hurt his wrist at the beginning of the summer. I think it had to do with the 6 days in a row of golf with his dad. I try not to laugh at his self medicating. He has seen a doctor for it and they did not tell him anything about wrapping it or using a brace. But he knows best and is very particular about which brace he wears in the day, and when to wrap it at night. I'm not sure how long this will go on. When I ask if it feels any better he says he doesn't know. And he's going to job-shadow his brother at the hospital.
Job #4- Hairstylist
Jared wanted to color my hair for me. I figure it's a good investment to have him learn. So he did it! The whole time he kept saying, "how much is this going to cost to fix?" He actually did a good job, besides pulling my hair!
Job #5- Car Mechanic
Jared thought he would do some maintanence on the car. We had just had it serviced at the dealer and they didn't even mention the engine filter needing changed, but Jared came home got on google and decided he'd watch a little video and change it anyways. Well now the car is hissing... Not normal. He is pretty persistent that he didn't break it and that he can fix the new problem. Am I a bad wife for wanting him to stay away from the engine? Yikes! I'm glad he saved us $40 though, because they want to charge $100just to see where the leak is in the vacuum. I love him and think he's funny even if he broke the car.
Oh and the best part is he told the dealer that "his friend" put in the new filter and now it was making that noise. After looking at it and realizing how expensive it'd be to just diagnose it he said, "If I were you I'd just have your friend take a look at it."
Luckily he'll be an attorney in just a little while. I think that is the best fit for him!
(More pictures and updates to come. I am officially the WORST blogger.)
I almost peed my pants reading this. Haha So funny!!
I did not break the car. My friend didn't either. After I got the oil changed they mixed up the vacuum hoses, and that was causing the hissing.
I love this post! Jared is great. I am still MORTIFIED about the poop. Oh my gosh. I am getting sick to my stomach just thinking about how I did that to him. You are so awesome Jared! You were adorable with my kids and they will forever love their "Jerry" ha ha. Can't wait for you guys to move to Texas. Thanks for always being so sweet to my kids. P.S. So glad you clarified about the car :).
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