Monday, September 7, 2009

A Lovely Anniversary

I love Jared. Being married to him is the best! I am so happy knowing I get to share my life with him. He's such a good man. Celebrating our Anniversary was THE best day! I loved every minute of it! We went out to breakfast, took a private sailboat ride, shopped, took a nap, went to dinner, played boggle, and watched a movie. I couldn't have asked for a better day!
My very favorite things about the day were exchanging letters and the sailboat ride!I have found a new love for the sailboats since living here. I love watching them out of our window. There is something so peaceful and beautiful about them.
I'm so lucky to have Jared. We make sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One year! Time flies--I'm happy for you two!